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Showing posts from June, 2020

Second Hand Masters

Opportunity This article will probably lose some readers, especially the UK group, because they don't include the hiring of additional masters into their crews. However, there are some metas who do, and this article is for you guys. What I do want to talk about is, if the opportunity is there why and when would you bring a second master along to the party.  First off, lets talk about what a second master could potentially add to your crew and what you lose by taking them.  Masters are inherently strong models. They have 3 actions to spend and some of those actions are particularly strong, looking at you Zoraida. However, they are also expensive, averaging in about 16 points being hired in.  Its Dangerous to Go Alone So what do you gain from taking a 2nd master? Opportunity. Masters like Ophelia and Zipp can offer tough to remove options that are decently good at removing other models from the table. Strong masters that don't require synergies from keyword models to functi...

You Can Pick Your Friend's Nose, But You Can't Pick Your Friend's Schemes

The Struggle One of the toughest things in Malifaux is figuring out which crew to play when you see a scheme pool pop up on the App. There are times that a game can be won or lost at the point you pick your crew, though I’d argue that player skill can hold out over a bad match up, but that’s not what we are here to discuss today. This week’s article is about the strengths and weaknesses of keywords in different scheme pools. A lot of the talk is often about the strategy. In online groups and the forums I will often see, “What do we take into this strategy?” While generally the strategy is important, its half your points all together, there are other considerations that can sway keyword selection. The schemes, the opponent’s faction, the deployment, the board and probably the biggest consideration: your specific playstyle and familiarity with the keyword.  Now, this isn’t an article that is going to solve all your choice problems. Malifaux is a game that is full of player agency and...

Big Brain Brin

Before I kill you Mr Bond... Bayou has its own supervillain. A  Machiavellian menace that lurks in the scrapyards with Mah and Sparks planning all kinds of evil that probably involve holding Malifaux for ransom. Big Brain Brin certainly lives up to his name. Though Malifaux is built around keywords and themes some models can exist well outside their own specific space and give you flexibility in building crews. In the case of BBB the question is, how much control do you want over your Fate Deck? Most of the time the answer to that is a resounding Yes!  There’s a catch though, out of keyword you are sinking 9 points into a model that has very little offensive capability. So what is it about Brin that makes him worth a fifth of your available points? Well let’s quickly review his card: Brin brings a ton of deck manipulation. He is the Bayou’s only source of Arcane Reservoir, he has Intuition which will help you determine if it is time to stack your deck with Calculate the P...