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A League By Any Other Name

A Very Special Offer
Hello fellow swamp denizens! This week we've got a special treat for you, today is the announcement of the Bayou Breakdown's first officially hosted online league! 
Starting in just 2 weeks the Dead Summer 5 Round League will begin and its gonna be fun! 
Savage Malifaux Session 6: Into the Bayou – Happy Monster Press

So as for the rules well its a bit of a different format.

1. Choose a faction

2. Choose 5 Keywords. 

3. You cannot play a master from those keywords more than once during the league. 

4. No OOK master hiring or DMH. 

5. The league will be standard Swiss Pairings. 

6. Games will of course be played on Vassal. I'll pick a new map every week. 

7. Scheme pools for each round are revealed prior to the event to help you choose your keywords. 

8. I will be attempting to rustle up some prize support, at the very least you'll get some internet kudos and social distancing high fives. 

So Why The Alt Format?
I wanted to try something new, we play the standard pick faction, blah blah blah a lot and this might be a way to get people to experiment with other keywords they don't always use. And for the mor analytical players out there, the mini game of figuring out which keyword your opponent is playing and which keyword you have to counter them, but still leaving opportunities open for later rounds.

How Do You Sign Up? 
Good question, glad you asked it.

Click this link and say Going. Then go the post where you add your Faction, Discord ID and the 5 keywords you are going to take. Note: Those keywords don't have to be picked until August 2nd. Please keep in mind this league lasts 5 weeks, so make sure you can dedicate time to playing at least 1 game a week during that period. Also keep in mind that we'll have people playing from different time zones. 

I'll be playing as well, so if you want a chance to prove that I'm just some scrub who doesn't know what he's talking about here it is. PS: I'll be playing Bayou. (Shocker)


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