Introduction Today's article is gonna delve back into general Malifaux tactics again so should be applicable for most everyone, not just Bayou Dwellers. This is a pretty indepth discussion but hopefully I can condense ideas to the point where they help you in the process. So one of the things Malifaux gets touted for is being a game that offers some of the best tactical decisions in a miniatures game. Every step of the game has some sort of space where decisions you as a player make effect the game in a large way. Often you hear players say "I lost because my deck hated me" or "I would have won if they hadn't included model X". The truth is, very often the mistake that cost the game happened at one of these key decision points in the game. These spots aren't always easy to recognize in the moment and when we get back to tourney play it can be a strain playing 3 or 4 games in a day to be aware of it all. Tournaments are the equivalent of a boxing match ...